
Watching but not being able to see through. One that imbues the most fragile features of these works with an oppressive timelessness. To convey the fraction of a second when you are confronted with a maelstrom of primal emotions, before you become aware of them.

This series began when our world was shut down by a virus called Covid. Eyes became an obsession and awakened in me the forgotten memories of my childhood. 
It is a dialogue between figurative work on self-made paper laid on canvas and abstract creation, with glass sculptures on paper, fused in sand, 2 different techniques for the same theme. The previous moment, frozen and ephemeral, the human emotion it contains or the creation of a galaxy.

"Jacqueline H-Botquelen, oscillates between reflexive opacity and transitive transparency, an unreasoning narrative space where materials and mediums communicate in aesthetic coherence and unexpected alterity."  Veronica CUOMO