Ralouka Montesi

Ralouka Montesi


Ralouka Montesi is a British photographer of Lebanese origin. Surviving a long war as a child has an indelible impact on her vision of life as a temporary and fragile reality. Danger, murder, loss and death were part of a daily bread that became a series of inherent and less impressive events after a few years.

After a degree in Advertising Marketing, Ralouka Montesi left Lebanon like many Lebanese of her generation, to travel the world. She has lived in enriching and inspirational places such as India, Italy, France, USA and UK where she is currently based.

Her extensive traveling and unique experiences played a big role in shaping her view on life and inevitably reflected in the style of her photographs.

Ralouka Montesi’s artistic statement’s main focus is on psychological, philosophical and metaphysical themes through abstract, experimental and street photography. Her works are exhibited in different countries (Italy, UK, France and Lebanon) and are part of private collections in the United Kingdom, Italy and in Lebanon.

Reminiscence : An Odyssey into the abstract, velvety textures of Fine-Art photography

"Reminiscence" is an invitation to wander through abstract forms and photographic textures, from the ordinary to the extraordinary. This exploration of abstraction transforms ordinary scenes into enigmatic compositions that melt harmoniously. Each image tells a story that is not bound by the constraints of reality. Unleashed by the imagination, each fragment reveals its own particular visual narrative interwoven with timeless beauty.

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Alberobello Echoes : A Dialogue of Fractals and Stories

"Alberobello Echoes" reveals the hidden beauty of the architecture of the historic town of Alberobello in southern Italy. This photographic series is a tribute to its typical trulli architecture, with its conical roofs and whitewashed walls.I introduced the concept of repetition using a fractal lens.
Transforming simple forms into complex compositions, I bear witness to the timeless charm of this precious cultural heritage found in the town of Alberobello, like a living archive imbued with traces of the past.
As people pass by, their silhouettes become integral components of the composition, their movements add depth and dynamism to the scene. Each recurring motif reverberates through the frames in a hypnotic, symmetrical dance. This photographic work is a metaphor for the cyclical nature of life and the interconnection of all things.

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Reflection of an Existence : A Tapestry of Coastal Serenity

"Reflection of an Existence"" unfolded as I strolled along the quiet shores of a town on the Mediterranean coast. This photographic work opens a door to a world where the azure depths of the sea blend harmoniously with the ochre tones of the coastal landscape, bathed in the ethereal glow of oranges and whites.
I also emphasize the themes of continuity and change, since the life on the seaside is punctuated by the tides. Buildings are silent witnesses to the passage of time, their reflections reminding the eternal flow of existence.Yet in the midst of this movement, there's a sense of serenity, a quiet acceptance of the cyclical nature of life and the beauty to be found in moments of balance.Each photograph in "Reflection of an Existence" tells a story of connection and continuity, a journey of introspection and contemplation where the boundaries between reality and reflection are blurred and the true essence of existence is revealed.

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